The Today Show

Topics: Mark McGowan

30 May 2023


Karl Stefanovic

Welcome back to the show. Well this week will be Mark McGowan’s final week as the Premier of WA following his shock resignation midway through his second term in office.

Sarah Abo

Mr. McGowen has cited exhaustion as the reason for his departure pointing in particular to the past three years of the pandemic. For more, let’s bring in WA Senator Michaelia Cash. Good to see you Senator. You’re not gonna miss him much are you?

Senator Cash

Well, I have to say what a difference a day makes in politics. In particular, in Western Australia, as of Friday, the face of WA Labor is no longer. That is a huge blow for the Western Australian Labor Party. Because if you recall, Mark McGowan was very much a one man band. And as of Friday, the focus is now on that WA Labor team. But not only that, scratch the surface of WA, our state might look good on the outside, but I’ll tell you we have massive issues confronting Western Australians and the next premier of WA, whoever that may be, is going to have to address the fundamental failings of the McGowan Government.

Karl Stefanovic

I don’t know, looks to be going alright to me. And also I think, Michaelia, it’s going to take more than a day for the Liberals to win power back in WA. It’s gonna take a miracle.

Senator Cash

Well I have to say, you know, opportunity always presents itself and there’s certainly opportunity that presenting itself. Can I just pick you up on one thing? There are massive issues in WA. We have our housing crisis that is literally now the worst in Australia, we have police leaving the police force in WA in droves. I think anybody who’s a Western Australian will tell you, our health system is in crisis, in particular when it comes to ambulance ramping. So whilst Mark McGowan, you know, can hold up budget surplus after budget surplus, again, scratch the surface, and the question Western Australians are asking is, but what about the investment in health? What about the investment in law and order? What about the investment in social housing? So the focus now turns to the next Premier and how they are going to tackle the issues that are really hurting Western Australians at this time.

Karl Stefanovic

So you should just give up the Senate and go run in Opposition against Rita at the next election?

Senator Cash

You actually bring up another point, because I see today the ACT are already saying WA’s GST are up for grabs? Well let me tell you the WA Federal Liberal team, we fought hard to get WA its fair share of GST. And the next Labor Premier, they better make sure nobody touches our fair share, because we fought hard as WA Liberals to have that delivered to our state.

Karl Stefanovic

I like your passion for the state. It’s you and Rita at the next election. *Laughter*

Senator Cash

Well it is interesting though, because Labor do talk, as you know, a big game when it comes to women. Now my understanding is possibly two women and one man are going to put themselves forward. So let’s see whether or not the next Premier of WA is indeed a woman and WA Labor are actually good to their word.

Karl Stefanovic

Alright, I kind of think that you should be hoping that it’s not because then you’ve at least got something to campaign against.

Sarah Abo

Well it will be Premier Cash in about 20 years time maybe?

Karl Stefanovic

Yeah, come on! Hey, thanks Michaelia. *Laughter*

Senator Cash

I love my role as a senator. You know that I’m a very passionate Western Australia.

Karl Stefanovic

I hear what you’re saying. Alright, thank you so much.