Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash

Shadow Attorney-General

Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations

Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate


Sky News Erin

28 June 2024

TOPICS: Julian Assange, inflation, Albanese family threats


Erin Molan

Okay, let’s bring in shadow Attorney-General Michaelia Cash. Now, Senator, what is your reaction to seeing the Prime Minister upset like that?

Senator Cash

Well, after looking at the media reports on this is today, I have no doubt that he was very upset. Erin, no politician, and indeed no politician’s family, deserve to be subjected to this type of threat, or indeed any physical violence. It is completely unacceptable. I know it is now before the courts. But I do hope that this person does face the full force of the law. In particular, when you look at the media reporting of what was allegedly in the manifesto, it is just unacceptable behavior.

Erin Molan

Senator, let’s very quickly touch on Julian Assange. I said it a few moments ago, I feel like I have been gaslit. I feel like I’ve gone to sleep and then woken up and I’ve missed some heroic action or something that’s made him into this superstar. I don’t get it.

Senator Cash

Let’s be very clear here, Erin. Julian Assange is not a hero. He is not a journalist. He is not a whistleblower. He is someone who put national security at risk by releasing classified information, which meant that countless intelligence sources, our troops, seriously, our troops were put at risk because of his actions. But I have to say, put aside what Julian Assange did, bearing in mind he pleaded guilty to espionage. I think let’s look at the actions of Prime Minister Albanese. I personally thought they were unacceptable when he portrayed Julian Assange coming back to Australia as one of the key achievements of his government. I mean, you’ve got to be kidding me. If this is a key achievement of the Albanese government, Australia needs a new Prime Minister and a new government.

Erin Molan

Well you want to hope that he trumpets that at the next election, Senator, because I think that might help the Coalition immensely. This might also help the Coalition – this week we saw inflation surge well above expectations, jumping from 3.6% to 4%. In the year to May, let’s have a listen to what the Treasurer has had to say. They’re pretending like they planned this and it’s all under control, but his budget has contributed directly to this.

Senator Cash

And this is one of the biggest problems, Erin. What are Labor? They are big spending, governments. History dictates that they come into power, they spend. Guess who pays for it? The Australian taxpayer. But I mean, when are they going to wake up and actually listen to the economists and in particular, the Reserve Bank, who was saying to them, inflation is homegrown? What does that mean? In basic terms, Erin, it means the policies of the government are contributing to the rise in inflation. But no, this government won’t apologise, because, as I said, history of Labor governments is that they’ve reverted to type – big spending. But at the end of the day, the Australian taxpayer pays. Despite all of the evidence, despite all of the experts saying it is home grown inflation, which means it’s your policies that are making life more expensive for Australians. And unfortunately, we’ve said prior to the election year, and I remember it on so many occasions, life wouldn’t be easy under Mr. Albanese. Well, guess what? Food up 11.4%. Housing up 14%. Don’t get me started on people’s electricity bills. And all as a result of policies implemented by Mr. Albanese. It’s the Australian people that pay for Labor governments.

Erin Molan

Yeah, they can’t blame Ukraine for this one. Um, question without notice. Did you watch the presidential debate and what did you think?

Senator Cash

Oh, look, unfortunately, I was on the road at the time. But ultimately, the American people are the ones who in a few months time will actually make the decision. From an Australian government perspective, as someone who’s been in government, the important thing to always remember is that America is our greatest ally, a key friend to us, and we should never forget that we work with the administration that is elected in the best interests of both countries. So from my perspective, it’s a decision for the American people. I’ll probably watch it when I get home tonight. Ultimately, it’s about the fact that they are a key ally. You know, we need them. They need us. It is the strength of that friendship and relationship. And we ultimately work with the administration, regardless of who is in office.

Erin Molan

Absolutely. And I wonder how they would feel looking at a bloke they’ve charged with espionage and has pleaded guilty to it being called by our Prime Minister and welcome home like a hero. What a way to strengthen our relationship! Senator, thank you so much for your time. Really appreciate it.

Senator Cash

Great to be with you, Erin.