Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash

Shadow Attorney-General

Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations

Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate


Sky News Credlin with Steve Price

12 June 2024

Topics: John Setka, CFMEU, AFL, ABCC, unions, Albanese weak leadership


Steve Price

Now I spoke at the beginning of the program about the shameful demands today from the CFMEU and their bully boy boss, John Setka. Now, he’s calling for the sacking of the AFL Head of Umpiring, a guy by the name of Stephen McBurney. Now, Stephen McBurney was the boss of the ABCC, which was the body which was charged with investigating unions and any corruption that might exist. Now, to its credit the AFL as standing behind McBurney. I showed you the expletive laden rant Setka gave to the Australian newspaper and then later today somehow claimed that this does not amount to threats. Let’s have a look.

John Setka

I did not make any threats. We’re only talking about exposing people. I mean, people like McBurney attack workers and the conditions and be so un-democratic they make North Korea look like a democracy and then just ride off into the sunset like nothing’s ever happened. I mean, there is going to be consequences.

Steve Price

What a hide, I mean it’s basically blackmail and thuggery. For more on this, I’d like to chat with the Shadow Minister for Employment-Workplace Relations, Senator Michaelia Cash. Senator, welcome. A question straight up – what’s Industrial Regulations Minister Tony Burke said about this today?

Senator Cash 

Hahaha. Well, that’s a very good question, Steve. Not a lot. But let’s also have a look at what the Prime Minister Mr. Albanese didn’t say. What a weak and insipid Prime Minister that he cannot condemn the bullying, the thuggery and the intimidation of John Setka in relation to Mr. McBurney and the threats made against the AFL? I mean seriously, this Prime Minister of Australia needs to start standing up for the thousands and thousands of Australians that are employed by our third largest industry, the construction sector. But Steve, will he, I’m going to put money on the fact that the answer’s no – to the tune of $4.3 million dollars that Mr. Albanese happily took in the lead up to the last election from – oh, low and behold, the CFMEU. So, Mr. Burke, nothing but worse than that, the weak and insipid Prime Minister of Australia failing today to condemn the bullying, the thuggery and the intimidation of Mr. Setka.

Steve Price

Nothing. And of course, we know Setka’s got form. I mentioned at the beginning of the program during a picket of a Grocon building operation, which you’d remember very well. He walked up to a van driving through, he’s punched on the windscreen, and said to the manager from Grocon, I hope you die of cancer. He threatened to go and find ABCC addresses and give them out to the public. So he’s thuggish mates who work in that union know where these people live? I mean, seriously. And then how many weeks did it take after the Albanese government was elected Senator, for them to shut down the ABCC. What a month?

Senator Cash

Well, it was one of their first acts as a government. And this is the problem, people are criticizing John Setka and they should. But let’s put the blame squarely Steve where it lies with Mr. Albanese and Mr. Burke. They are the ones who have licensed John Setka to indulge in this type of behavior because as a gift to the CFMEU for the $4.3 million dollars given to the Australian Labor Party in the lead up to the 2022 election, they abolished the tough cop on the beat. And Mr. Setka, he can criticize Steve McBurney all he likes but as Steve McBurney once said – it is not for Steve McBurney to judge the union’s, it was for Steve McBurney to bring the evidence to the court and for the court to assess the evidence and to then judge them in accordance with the law. And guess what Steve, in over 90% of cases, the courts found that the unions had contravened the law. And Steve McBurney was successful in securing in excess of $16 million dollars in fines. But do you know what he also did? That Mr. Setka can never talks about? He secured in excess of $5 million in wages and entitlements for over 8000 employees. So guess what, he didn’t just go after unions. He also went after employers that had done the wrong thing. But ultimately, it was the courts who found that the evidence that Mr. McBurney presented justified a penalty. So quite frankly, I don’t know what Mr. Setka is going on about.

Steve Price

Well, you’d be happy, the AFL has said well, we’re not going to shift him out of this job. This bloke as I know you’re an AFL fan – he’s umpired for over 400 – 401 games of AFL and 4 Grand Finals. This guy is the best qualified person to have the job.

Senator Cash

Exactly, that is exactly right. And shame on Mr. Albanese for actually putting in place the rules that allow Mr. Setka to run riot in the building and construction industry. I mean, the Master Builders Association today in 2024, Steve, they estimate that because of the actions of the unions, it is around a 20 to 25% additional cost borne by the Australian taxpayer to develop schools, hospitals and roads. And what does Mr. Albanese say? Nothing because he is beholden to this union. But ultimately, the Australian people do get to make a choice. And they’re going to have to make that choice in less than 11 months time. And the choice is between Peter Dutton, you know where he stands, you know what he believes in, and he will stand up for Australians every day of the week, and he will not be intimidated by Mr. Setka and his threats. Or a Prime Minister, who when confronted with the evidence of clear bullying, thuggery and intimidation today, right out of the mouth of Mr. Setka had nothing to say. Can I tell you, the Australian people they can make a choice. They can say goodbye to Mr. Albanese and his weak and insipid government, and welcome in Peter Dutton and for once in the last two years, let’s have a government that stands up and puts the interests of Australians first, not the interests of the unions who provide the ALP with millions and millions of dollars. But at a cost to all Australians Steve because ultimately that’s who pays, the Australian people.

Steve Price

Yeah, well said every infrastructure project in Melbourne that the CFMEU works on is over budget and out of time.

Senator Cash

Correct. Yep.

Steve Price

So, there’s your evidence right there. Senator Cash, thanks as usual for catching up with you. Thanks very much for your time.

Senator Cash

Great to be with you.