Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash

Shadow Attorney-General

Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations

Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate

Senator for Western Australia


25 MAY 2023


The Albanese Government received a fourth piece of legal advice from Australia’s Solicitor General on the Voice to Parliament that’s existence remained a secret until yesterday.

In Senate Estimates hearings the Attorney-General’s Department revealed the existence of the extra piece of legal advice during questioning by Shadow Attorney-General Senator Michaelia Cash.

Until yesterday it was known that three pieces of advice had been given to the Government by the Solicitor General. But officials admitted yesterday there was a fourth piece of advice which the Government refuses to release.

Only one piece of advice, the most recent, has been released publicly. Officials admitted this piece of advice was commissioned purely for the purpose of public release.

Senator Cash said that the Government should immediately release the other three pieces of advice that informed the drafting of the proposed constitutional change.

“The advice that was released was written after the proposed constitutional change was drafted – we need to see the advice that informed that drafting,’’ Senator Cash said.

“The advice that was commissioned and released for political purposes is only part of the story,’’ she said.

“This Government is asking Australians to vote to change the Constitution, our nation’s rule book and most important document, without giving them all the information that is available,’’ Senator Cash said.

“The way the Government has gone about this process is underhanded and tricky – all they do is make excuses and try to hide the truth,’’ she said.

“How can they be trusted when they will not tell the Australian people the most basic details about changing the nation’s rule book,’’ Senator Cash said.

“I again urge the Albanese Government to come clean with the Australian people and give them all the information they need to make an informed decision,’’ she said.