Hon Angus Taylor MP

Shadow Treasurer

Member for Hume

Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash

Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate

Senator for Western Australia


18 AUGUST 2022


Labour force figures released today by the ABS are clear proof the Albanese Government is doing nothing to tackle the labour crisis engulfing Australian businesses.

While the overall unemployment rate dropped to 3.4% alarm bells should be ringing about the drop in the participation rate from 66.8% to 66.4% and the fact that 86,000 full time jobs were lost.

“It is clear fewer Australians are out there looking for jobs and we are now in a position where businesses are having to close down because they can’t get workers,” Senator Cash said.

“The Albanese Government has got to do something immediately to give businesses the access to the workers they need,’’ she said.

The Coalition has an excellent policy that would allow veterans and pensioners to work more without losing their pension.

“Mr Albanese should adopt that policy immediately,’’ Senator Cash said.

“Instead of adopting sensible policies like this Mr Albanese is focusing on a jobs summit which will only result in the unions getting more power,’’ she said.

Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor said businesses will pay the price for Labor’s lack of a plan.

“Businesses right across the country are facing an enormous battle in getting a hold of good workers. The Government must urgently find a solution to this increasing problem,” Mr Taylor said.

“If Labor was serious about addressing these issues, they’d take on board our very practical proposal of allowing older Australians who wish to work more to do so without it affecting their pension.

“This is a ready workforce and this policy should be put in place today. Businesses shouldn’t have to wait for a budget in October for a solution.”